Friday, October 14, 2011

love death and lady gaga

• we must be brave enough to first put the gift of love out; with the knowledge that it may not be returned nor accepted. remember that the great ancient storm, when the gods stirred up the heavens and earth and rain and lightning so heavy that Cupid & Death had to seek shelter. for eons the storm raged and they could not do their work. no one fell in love; no one died. both cupid & Death had a sleep deficient, so they dreamed and forgot as Morpheus keep them in restful bliss. when they awoke, they realized that they must go to work. they quickly gathered their arrows, from quivers that had been dumped and mixed during the storm. AS Cupid shot his first arrow, a lover died. Death aimed true but those hit fell in love; and in fables, as in love sometimes love brings death, in a sudden way, unexpected; as death can engender Love. so as we open our hearts and build on chambers for loved ones; life may not always hold true to linear logic; yet as we dream & love; death and love, inextricably woven and as the bell cannot be unrung, nor the perfume recaptured into the bottle from whence it came; we give out, but not expecting anything in return; so is the mobius strip of life where we go from inside to out without ever crossing an edge; living on the edge, as Lady GAGA sings, but always being aware of the energy that surrounds and encompasses us, invisibly, those who seek love and those who give love will finally unite. Its the hole that creates the donut; as it the energy, the invisible wind that fills our sails and launches our ships to unknown exotic lands.

• by kent norton®

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